Friday, May 6, 2011

So Tired of This Week (aka Stuff)

Okay. Let me start this by telling you that a couple weeks back, somehow, my sleeping schedule and that of my four year-old son got seriously jacked up. That's why I'm writing this at 4: 30 in the morning. I've been attempting to function on probably an average of about 3 hours of sleep a day for a couple of weeks now. Suffice it to say, everything suffers from this. The only thing I can manage to is play DDO and read Cracked, and neither one very well. With bursts of housework. So if this seems rambling, it's because it's rambling. And spell-check probably won't catch all my errors.

First – OBL is dead. Good. It's about time. The folks who were on watch during 9/11 and the following years who failed to find him (going so far as to concentrate on a different country) should be ashamed of themselves for letting this happen on someone else's watch. If he's in any kind of hell, I can only hope it is one where he actually feels the pain and suffering of those who died for him, and because of his cause.

Second – I hate this week. I haven't been able to spend nearly as much time with my woman as I'd like or am used to, and have had almost no time to myself or at least without a 4-year old under my immediate watch.

Our bedroom (a converted garage set at a slightly lower level than the rest of the house) is infested with big black roaches (folks here in OK like to call them water bugs, but they aren't. They're roaches). I hate killing roaches. Have had to do it too often in my life.

Well, it was infested with roaches. Now I think they're trying to migrate to the adjacent kitchen, in order to escape what for them must have been like Katrina. What am I talking about you ask? A few days ago, our washing machine somehow dumped its load of water on the bedroom floor instead of through the drain tube. So that left the floor a sopping mess that took no time to start to smell like mildew. So after a day or two (remember, I'm only barely coherent and have a messed up sense of time right now), we went to see what was wrong with it. I thought the drain tube had just come loose. We figured at the same time, we'd go ahead and replace the hoses from the water pipes to the machine since they needed to be replaced anyway.

In the process of detaching the hot water hose, we discovered something – it was so corroded it wouldn't detach. And the galvanized pipe was so corroded that attempting to remove the valve shatter a bit of the threading, resulting in steaming hot water spewing all over the still not-dry floor. In fact, even more water than before. The only way we were able to stop it was to turn the water off at the main (couldn't find a cut-off on the hot water tank). So that night, I spent 6 hours trying to make that pipe not spew water. I was unsuccessful. Luckily, the not-father in law was able to cut off the hot water and temporarily stop it from spewing. What that means now is at least water isn't coming out all over the place, but we have no hot water either. Which results in a smelly Nicholas. Which, in turn, may be masked by the smelly bedroom. I'm pretty sure we're going to have to rip the carpet out now after this one. In addition, we cannot fix this by ourselves, or even with the help of not-father-in-law. We're going to have to have a plumber come out and handle it and I really don't think we can afford that.

I can't handle the smell in the bedroom so what sleep I am getting is on the couch, which reminds me of a bad time in my life where I was not sleeping in the bedroom with my woman like I should have been, and that worries me. And it's not as comfortable as the bed either. That would be the bed that is at least partially affected by the flood. I hope we don't have to get rid of it.

Earlier this week, I spent 4 hours trying to get rid of some stupid computer virus that I have no idea how I acquired (if it was even me and not someone else on my box). I've had to teach myself (with some guidance here and there from a couple of friends) how to work on computers (which means I do all the computer work for the family as well of course), but I really dislike doing it. I would prefer to never have to work on one because something is wrong with it. On the plus side, I was able to use that time to rearrange my area so that it's more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing to me. Rearranged my desk, hung up some pictures, reorganized a bit.

However, since the virus, my computer hasn't been acting quite as efficiently as usual, though every scan says it's clean. I don't know what's up with that. If we had the cash, I'd just buy a new one. I need a second computer anyway so I can devote one solely to music projects. And I need a drum set. But I'm not getting either of those anytime soon, due in part to having to hire a fucking plumber!!!!

Speaking of things spewing out, about an hour ago, my 4-year old, who is sleeping in our bed because his is covered in stuff we tried to get off the flooded floor, threw up all over the side of the bed and the floor, including all over the surge strip that was right next to it. So I got to clean up vomit instead of going to bed (which was my plan before he spewed). Poor little guy. Throwing up is scary for me. I can only imagine it’s much scarier for a young child.

I haven't been able to get my weekly rpg going for several weeks now and that's bad for my mental health. I keep meaning to run a substitute game with my family but I can't even seem to get that started. Both of which suck harder than your mom. But with my lack of sleep, I can't focus well enough to work on the damn thing anyway.

As I said, I've been playing DDO. It's a piss-poor sub for gaming, but it kinda keeps me from falling asleep in the middle of the day (that would be bad since my son would then have unfettered access to the house), and while piss-poor, it servers a similar function to gaming. Well, this week, they released a new update. Including an adventure chain and rules changes. As with every update, the rules changes are stupid and ill-conceived, and designed to fix problems that aren't problems, and narrow the game play style even more (specifically to melee). I'll post about that in detail in another post.

Suffice it to say, none of the changes are good. Some are just less suck than others. But what's really annoying is that every time they do an update, my lag gets worse. And it's not just lag from everyone being on all at once to test the new changes, it's general lag. And since the main server I play on is also the one they transferred the Euro player base to, they are no good times left to be lag-reduced.

A day or two after they released the update, they had to bring the servers down for a few hours to install a hot fix. Why? Because every time they release an update, they break something else. They cannot update that game without fucking something else up. Well, since the hot fix was performed (and shouldn’t something called a hot fix be done while the servers are up?), my lag has worsened to the point where the game is unplayable at times. I mean literally game-stopping. I died 3 times the other night because the game stopped due to lag. If it weren't for the timing, I'd assume it was something on my end.

Something else – there's a new Conan the Barbarian movie coming out (in 3-D!) Now I love me some REH Conan (but Kull even more). So much, that I want to write like REH did but I lack his gift. I love the first Conan movie even though it wasn't very true to REH's works. It was one of my first fantasy movies and imprinted before my movie tastes were fully developed. So now you know, I like Conan a whole bunch. And that's why I'm sad to say this movie looks like it’s going to suck. Hard. Way hard. While you can't trust trailers, the trailer reminds me too much of the Kull the Conqueror movie. Kull stands as one of the two movies that have disappointed me most in life. The other was Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. I had such high hopes for both of those movies, and upon viewing them, found my hopes dashed, crushed, mauled, and shat upon. (Speaking of shitty movies, both Predators and Terminator: Salvation sucked). Anyway, the new Conan trailer makes me think of the Kull movie. Which is the worst it could do (well, I guess it could make me think of Remo Williams. That would be extra fucked up since they aren't the same genre).

Second, for Conan – thief, adventurer, reaver, the man who trod the jeweled thrones of the earth under his feet until he took the crown of Aquilonia with his sword, they cast that dipshit from Stargate: Atlantis. Jason Momoa. Played Ronon or whatever his dumb ass name was. Now I'll grant that Momoa has the build of a younger Conan (not later Conan who is more like Arnie). But the man can't act. More importantly, he has no screen charisma at all. Even more importantly, he has a charisma-draining field that sucks the charisma from those on screen with him. Seriously. Watch him in something on screen with the people who are usually good. They are noticeably less good when he's around. He's a charisma black hole, sucking it all in with no chance of escape. On the upside, unlike with Kull or Remo Williams, I have no high hopes to be dashed by this movie. I do hope others enjoy it though. But I've pretty much accepted that they are going to get REH right.

That said, I would have cast The Rock. I think he'd be a superior Conan the Barbarian. Speaking of The Rock, go watch Faster. Now. Go do it. I'll wait.

There, aren't you glad you did that?

Anyway, my basic thrust of this entry is that I'm TIRED OF THIS GODS DAMNED WEEK!!!!!!! And it's not even over yet.

And hey, if you read this blog, feel free to become a follower.

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