Sunday, March 18, 2018

"Spider-Man: Homecoming" Short Review

Spider-Man: Homecoming
(Tom Holland, Michael Keaton; 133 min; PG-13; 2017)
Well, this was a lot of fun. It may be the most fun I’ve had watching a Spider-Man movie. I’ll have to go back and watch the Raimi ones to check. It’s also one of the more fun MCU flicks IMO (I enjoyed it at least as much as GotG).

Holland was excellent as a young, unsure of himself Peter, despite having faced down Captain America recently (I liked that Tony pointed out that if Cap had actually wanted to kick Peter’s ass, he would’ve done so).

Flash as a socioeconomic bully instead of a physical bully was a brilliant change.

Spidey trapped under the rubble and getting out is one of those “classic” images from the comics, but if any scene in the flick summed up Spider-Man, I think it was him sitting out on the fire escape eating a churro that a nice lady bought for him after he helped her. He’s your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man: he’s never going to get the big flashy rewards and recognition (especially while JJJ lives), but a small, simple bit of recognition from the people on the street is pretty great.

Thinking on it, I can only really think of two things that bothered me a bit:

1. Did I miss something in this and Captain America: Civil War or does this version of Spidey not have spider-sense? I guess maybe they’re going to have it slowly develop? Anyway, that grabbed my attention in both flicks.

2. Aunt May. Dag nab it. Aunt May is supposed to be *old*, not just 9 years older than me. I don’t have anything against Marisa Tomei, but Rosemary Harris from the Raimi trilogy is what Aunt May is supposed to look and sound should like. 

Overall, this was a pretty great movie. The director, Jon Watts, handled everything wonderfully. He had a fine grasp on both the large and small scales of the character and setting. The story and script were engaging and touching (bonus: not an origin story! Also, one of the story and script writers was John Frances Daley – Sam Weir on Freaks and Geeks and the terrific (and my fav char) Lance Sweets on Bones).

This is pretty much all I could want from a first Spider-Man flick and I am very much looking forward to the next one.

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