Published Work

Something I like to do (but don't seem to have as much time for, nor energy or motivation - stupid depression) is writing. Mostly for role-playing games. Some of my writing has actually been published by others (i.e., not just on my website or other fan sites). Said work follows. 

Fashion and Style (De Fanci website)

Dog Star - H.E.B.E.S. (available at Drive-Thru RPG)

The Rifter #11 - Super Powers, contributor (Nicholas Luna)

Powers Unlimited - Reprint of Super Powers from The Rifter #11, contributor (Nicholas Luna)

d20 Weekly - Damaged: An Alternate Spellcasting System for Low Magic and Low Fantasy Games

Pyramid - Friday, April 8, 2005 - Object Lessons Part I

Pyramid - Friday, April 15, 2005 - Object Lessons Part II

Pyramid - Friday, April 29, 2005 - Object Lessons Part III

Pyramid - Friday, April 21, 2006 - Worlds of Power