Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rolling Stone: The GOP War on Voting

I wish I could say I was in any way surprised, but frankly, I'd be much more surprised if this wasn't going on. The Republicans are right, we DO have a problem with voter fraud in this country. They've just misidentified who the perpetrators are. Somehow, though, I don't think we'll be seeing the culprits face justice any time soon.

I didn't used to pay much attention to politics when I was young, but I do remember that while still not typically supporting a platform I agreed with, the GOP was semi-sane and at least made attempts to cover their tracks, and mask their villainy (even if they weren't good at it sometimes). These days, I just know I'm going to hear about the press conference where John Boehner dons a Cobra Commander mask and announces the takeover of America (hisssssss). And he's not going to be coll comic book Cobra Commander. No, he's going to be the cheeseball cartoon Cobra Commander, because that's what seems appropriate to these times. 

I just don't think the real world is ready for the GOP's newfound love of over-the-top cartoon villainy. 

Not that any of this matters in this Oh So Red State. It's so red here, you'd think they would hate being called "Red" because Communism Soviet Union Russia Stalin!!!!!!!

The only bright side I can think of is that at this rate, they are concentrating the purity of the party so much, squeezing out moderation so hard, that before long, they'll find themselves with only a handful of members who meet the ideological purity tests, and will have stripped themselves of power and relevance in the process.I look forward to that day, the day when they decide Rush is too much of a liberal pussy for their tastes.

Can't happen soon enough though.

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